Post by: / May 7, 2023

You’ve Broken a Tooth…Now What?

Have you ever bitten into something hard and felt that dreaded crunch? Or maybe you were hit in the mouth while playing sports and felt something missing? That moment of panic when you realize you’ve broken a tooth is not a fun experience. But don’t worry, there are some steps that help you save your tooth and reduce further complications.

First, let’s talk about the different types of tooth breaks. There’s the minor chip, where a small piece of the tooth breaks off. Then there’s the more serious fracture, where the tooth is cracked but still intact. And finally, there’s the full-on, holy-crap-I-just-lost-a-tooth break.

If you experience a minor chip, you may be able to hold off on a trip to the dentist for a little while. Just be sure to avoid chewing on that side of your mouth and rinse your mouth with saltwater to keep it clean. A crack where the tooth is still in tact should be dealt with more urgency as you want to avoid it becoming a full on break. The more in tact the tooth the better probability of saving it.

If you’ve got a more serious fracture or a knocked-out tooth you will want to take action and get to a dentist ASAP. If the crown of the tooth (the top part) is broken off the root (the bottom part) you will first want to save any pieces of the broken tooth that you can find. Rinse them gently with water and try to avoid touching the roots. If possible to do so without inflicting further pain, rinse your mouth with warm salt water to help clean the area and reduce any swelling. Avoid chewing or biting with the affected tooth and in the meantime only stick to soft foods that won’t aggravate the break.

If a tooth has been completely dislodged with the root in tact try to locate the tooth and pick it up by the crown (that’s the top part, not the roots). Rinse it off gently with water and try to put it back in its socket. Putting the tooth back in its socket can help to preserve the tooth’s root, which is crucial for the tooth’s long-term survival. f you’re able to reposition the tooth back in its socket, the next step is to keep it in place until you can get to a dentist. You can do this by gently biting down on a piece of gauze or a clean cloth to hold the tooth in place. This will help to keep the tooth stable and minimize any movement that could damage the root.

Any pieces of your tooth you can find should be put in a container of milk. Milk is a good medium for preserving the tooth because it helps to maintain the pH and prevent damage to the cells on the root surface. Soaking the tooth in milk can help to prevent the root from drying out and increase the chances that it can be successfully re-implanted by a dentist.

Breaking a tooth is no fun, but it’s important to stay calm and take action quickly. Whether you’ve got a minor chip or a full-on tooth emergency, seeing a dentist as soon as possible is crucial for your dental health.

Uplands Dental is always here to help with any emergency. If you experience a tooth chip, break or full dislodge let us know and we will schedule you ASAP.