Post by: / April 27, 2023

3 Absurd Dental Trends You Should Avoid

Are you tired of scrolling through social media only to find the latest “trend” that promises to give you the perfect smile? We’ve all been there, but when it comes to dental health, it’s important to separate fact from fiction. In this article, we’re going to take a look at three recent dental trends that are not only ridiculous but can actually be harmful to your teeth. From oil pulling to charcoal products and teeth filing challenges, we’ll explore why these trends are a no-go and what you should do instead to keep your teeth healthy and strong. So sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the world of absurd dental trends.

Oil Pulling

Have you heard of oil pulling? It’s supposed to be a kind of workout for your mouth. You swish oil around in your mouth for twenty minutes a day, every day, and apparently it’s supposed to be good for you. But let’s be real, if it were really that great, we’d all be walking around with pearly white teeth and super healthy gums.
So why did oil pulling become so popular? Well, it’s marketed as a natural and holistic way to improve your dental health. And who doesn’t love anything that’s natural and holistic these days? Plus, it’s easy to do, but unfortunately, the science just doesn’t support the hype.
Oil pulling is supposed to remove toxins from your mouth and improve your overall oral health. But here’s the thing, there’s no scientific evidence to back up those claims. In fact, some studies have shown that oil pulling can actually lead to bad breath and jaw fatigue.
So, what’s a better alternative? Simple: stick to the basics. Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss daily, and use an antiseptic mouthwash. These simple steps are tried and true, and they’ll do more for your dental health than oil pulling ever could.
And if you’re still not convinced, let’s take a look at some of the other benefits oil pulling is supposed to have. It’s supposed to whiten your teeth, improve your skin, and even boost your immune system. But come on, oil pulling is not a magical cure-all. If you want whiter teeth, talk to your dentist about professional whitening treatments. If you want better skin or a stronger immune system, there are plenty of other ways to achieve those goals that don’t involve swishing oil around in your mouth.
Oil pulling is just another dental trend that has come and gone. Sure, it’s easy to do and it sounds good in theory, but there’s no real scientific evidence to back up its supposed benefits. Stick to the basics and you’ll be much better off. And let’s be honest, no one wants to be the weirdo swishing oil around in their mouth for twenty minutes a day. So, let’s just leave oil pulling in the past where it belongs, and focus on real dental hygiene practices that actually work.

Charcoal Products

This was a trend even big companies tried to cash in on where people brush their teeth with charcoal in an attempt to achieve a brighter, whiter smile. But does it actually work? Let’s dive in.
Why did this trend became popular in the first place. Charcoal is known for its ability to absorb toxins, so it’s no surprise that people thought it could work wonders for their teeth. The idea is that the charcoal will absorb surface stains, leaving you with a brighter smile.
But here’s the thing: while charcoal may be great for absorbing toxins, it’s not so great for your teeth. Charcoal is an abrasive substance that can actually damage your enamel with regular use. And let’s not forget about the mess it creates. Have you ever tried brushing your teeth with charcoal? It’s like trying to clean up after a coal miner. Not fun.
So, what’s a better alternative to achieve a brighter, whiter smile? How about good old-fashioned teeth whitening? There are plenty of safe and effective teeth whitening products out there that don’t involve charcoal or any other weird substances. And if you’re concerned about the cost of professional whitening, there are plenty of at-home options that won’t break the bank.
And let’s not forget about the basics of dental hygiene. Brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using an antiseptic mouthwash can go a long way in keeping your teeth healthy and looking their best.
While the idea of using charcoal products for your teeth may sound like a good idea in theory, the reality is that it’s not so great for your dental health. Let’s stick to safe and effective methods for achieving a brighter, whiter smile, and leave the charcoal for the grill. After all, who wants to spend their day at the dentist because they thought it was a good idea to brush their teeth with charcoal?

Teeth Filing

Finally lets talk about the Tik Tok fueled trend that’s making dentists everywhere cringe: the teeth filing challenge. Yes, you read that right. People were actually taking nail files to their teeth in an attempt to create a more “perfect” smile.
But why did this trend even become a thing? Well, we live in a world where the pursuit of perfection is a never-ending journey. And apparently, having perfectly aligned teeth just isn’t enough anymore. People are now taking matters into their own hands (literally) in an attempt to make their teeth even more perfect.
But let’s get one thing straight: this trend is not only painful, but it’s also incredibly dangerous. Filing your teeth can cause permanent damage to your enamel, leading to tooth sensitivity, increased risk of decay, and even tooth loss. And let’s not forget the risk of infection and damage to your gums. All for the sake of a trend that’s here today, gone tomorrow.
So, what’s a better alternative to achieve a more perfect smile? How about braces or clear aligners? They’re not as trendy as the teeth filing challenge, but they’re a safe and effective way to straighten your teeth without causing permanent damage. Plus, they’re prescribed and monitored by a dental professional who knows what they’re doing.
And let’s not forget about good old-fashioned dental hygiene. Brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using an antiseptic mouthwash can go a long way in improving the appearance of your teeth. And if you’re still not satisfied with the look of your smile, talk to your dentist about cosmetic treatments like teeth whitening or veneers. These are safe, effective options that won’t leave you with a mouth full of pain and regret.
The teeth filing challenge is just another example of people putting their health and wellbeing at risk for the sake of a trend. Let’s stick to safe and effective methods for achieving a more perfect smile, and leave the nail files for our nails. After all, who wants to spend their day at the dentist because they thought it was a good idea to file down their teeth?
It’s important to remember that dental health should always be a top priority. While it can be tempting to try out the latest dental trend, it’s crucial to do your research and consult with your dentist before trying anything new. By avoiding these absurd dental trends and sticking to tried-and-true methods, you can keep your teeth healthy and strong for years to come. So let’s say goodbye to oil pulling, charcoal products, and teeth filing challenges, and hello to a healthy, happy smile.