In today’s world with so many choices and options available, it is always difficult for the patient or consumer of dental services to know what are the best possible choices for them. Many new treatments, methods and materials are becoming available and sometimes more rapidly then they can be assessed. Your dental professionals have to spend time assessing these treatments, methods and materials and their real value. It is easy to be misled. That is why, in our office, we insist on a detailed comprehensive exam prior to reviewing all your treatment possibilities and choices. Only then can a patient make an informed choice suitable to their particular treatment needs, finances and stage in life.
We pride ourselves on staying abreast of the most effective, current, treatment modalities and materials available that have been tried and tested. Looking forward, we have the unique perspective and ability, from over thirty years of clinical experience, to evaluate what are really, true treatment benefits for our patients versus fads, crazes or the current fashion.
We pride ourselves on staying abreast of the most effective, current, treatment modalities and materials available that have been tried and tested. Looking forward, we have the unique perspective and ability, from over thirty years of clinical experience, to evaluate what are really, true treatment benefits for our patients versus fads, crazes or the current fashion.